Oh as if was even a question... of course I would choose Stanley Cup over World Cup ANY TIME!
The oil boys are doing their best to stay alive in the stanley cup final. now we're down to the game 6 with 2-3 in series... this does not look good, but if we still hang on we'll be able to enjoy the thrilling game 7. heh heh...
The world cup fever is sweeping the whole Japan, but honestly, I expected the boys of Zico Japan to play a bit better... it's a disappointment, that last match they played against Australia.
Tomorrow we're gonna head to a local sports bar to watch the game, yes on a sunday night.
maybe I'll take monday morning off :p
I know that I haven't been updating this blog and all... well, lots of things happened. first there's another big personnel change in my section, and a few new people. initially I was worried, but then now it's all worked out. we're getting along quite well.
For the golden week, I went to Kanazawa for a little trip. It was really nice. I went on the trip without any actual plan beforehand but then it went alright. I kinda relied on my keitai's EZ Navi thing too much. hence my keitei battery kept dying on me...
Then we welcomed the Korean folk dance group to our Rose Festival (our rose garden just had our grand opening after the renewal). It was really interesting experience, but I felt useless since I could count all the korean phrases I know on one hand. But to do the volunteer there at the rose garden was quite nice. Although I wish I can use my yearly passport more... damn, why am I such a pushover... should've said no when they were trying to get me to buy it...
and last night we had a little birtday bash for Wada san and Minoda san. They claimed that they never had people throwing them birthday parties... I guess Japanese people are not big on the birthday celebration... I don't know, but for my family, we always try to make an event of it. unless when we're all too busy.
Well... now enjoying a little tea break and wait for people to come and we'll do choreography for summer festival parade. we'll see how that turns out... :p