Went to Oaira Elem. to do another school visit. Teach the kids some English~ I really enjoy teaching there now, especially the kids are just awesome! They're so sweet and very interested in learning new English words.
So, I went to work a bit early so I can prepare for the materials needed for today. That's as far as my lesson planning go. Go there a bit early, and then just write down whatever I think would work. Games, songs, vocab cards... though I think I should probably find some new materials since they are REALLY getting old... The kids might not mind since as long as they get to play "Gokiburi Game," they're all set.
Anyways, so I was carrying on the lessons as usual, and getting the kids to say "What is your favourite colour?" in "Gokiburi Game," that's when it happened...
I didn't notice it at first. When the HR teacher yelled, "SANDY SENSEI!! JISHIN!! EARTHQUAKE!!" That's when I realized the ground was shaking... I have low blood pressure, so get dizzy sometimes... so to me, the ground is often shaking... :p
Then after my last class was over, one of the HR teacher said that there was an incident this morning when a strange guy just called out to a junior high student (who goes to the neighbouring juniro high), the kid ignored him, then the guy just slashed the kid's arm, supposedly he wasn't hurt that much.
It's really scary... especially since it's such a small town and you'd think this is the last place for something like this to happen... Guess it's hard to say these days.
On a brighter note, I had an awesome time playing with the kids today!
The Oaira kids have known me since last year when I first started, so we've built quite some rapport. They always come to invite me to play with them after lunch time.
Today we played volleyball outside on the playground, and it was loads of fun! There was a pond right next to the place we were playing, and we kept knocking the ball into the pond... ended up having to get it back, dry it as much as we can and then play again. A girl even got her feet all wet when trying to save the ball from getting into the pond. The whole thing was so stupid, but it was so much fun. hee hee~
Then when we were all playing, a girl came up and said "Sandy sensei, mune dekai ne." to me... basically saying that my boobs are big... I was half shocked, and half humoured... I've never been told that my boobs were big.. Yet I guess to those girls who are barely 9, my boobs are bigger than theirs anyways... :p Then she went "tsu-n, tsu-n!" trying to poke at my boobs.
After that, another boy came up and squeezed my arm.. saying that perhaps I should lose some weight! I couldn't believe it. Actually, this could be a form of sexual harrassment since I was at work... >_<
Anyways, all in all, today was quite an eventful day... ending with a great session at Kinro Seishonen Home, eikaiwa (English conversation Class). Got the kids talking to each other, paying each other compliments, asking how they got their stuff and where they got it. I really like this batch of students cuz they're really quite interested in English. OR, I just really made it easier for them this time :p hee hee
Tomorrow kindergarten visit at Keishin Hoikuen... gotta think up of new things to teach them... aaaaaaaaaah... >_< and gotta go to the folk museum to do some research for the scavenger hunt.. oi~