Just got back from Kushira, went to Toki (the CIR in Kushira)'s farewell party. There are simply too many farewell parties these days it's just too much.
I'm feeling really old as a JET... now especially most of the new ALTs are so young that I feel that I just don't have their kind of energy anymore... (could be an excuse, but hey...)
Pretty soon we're gonna have another 歓送迎会 which would be for new people coming in our section and maybe someone leaving our divion too. I hope that nobody from my office leaves.. seriously...
On another note, because of the two farewell parties we had for our 部長, he just had to go to this snack bar for nijikai. I have gotten used to snack bar now that it's not a problem anymore. There is one that I would really not go to... There is this snack bar that you sing the karaoke, and then if your score is high enough, the girl on screen would reveal her three points... sometimes with bikini on or not... it's really gross. And what's even more gross is that the mama in the snack bar would come out and hand out presents if you have high scores... Guess what the presents are... panties... (no no... of course new ones!..) They are not just any kind of panties, they are like purple or pink or black... thongs... yep, it's pretty bad...
Anyways... this snack bar that 部長 likes to go to is pretty nice and the mama there is really friendly. It is here that I came to realize why Japanese men love to go to snack bar so much. It's the whole 褒め上手 thing. The snack mama is a master at praising people. When I go to snack bar, I don't really care much for drinking (since by the time I get there, I already didn't feel like drinking). I go there for the free karaoke, especially if someone will be paying for me. The snack mama would shower me with praises on how well I sing and how I should become a singer and all that... heh... in the beginning I just kind of thank her and repeatedly told her nah.. but then, I came to enjoy her praises...
Of course without 部長 or other big people, I would NEVER go to snack bar. 1) they charge soooo much money for just a bit alcohol, 2) I don't really like the small smokey bar. But hey, sometimes the praises and some ass-kissing are pretty good if you're going through some stressful time... hmmm