Tuesday, August 09, 2005

If you're a true Albertan...

I just realized that Jenn in Aira is from Edmonton too!!! that's so cool :) The Canadians I've met so far are all from the east coast, and it's just not the same... (you know what I mean...)

Since Jenn said that I can link it... Here it is. A list of things what a true Albertan would do/be/like~

Check this out! Western Canada Rules!!

(well, the Eastern part isn't so bad either...)


Perogyo said...

I can't believe you are a Prairie girl too! Weird that we both ended up in Kags, and not Hokkaido!

Sandy said...

Hee hee, the funny thing is, when I applied for JET, I requested to be put in Sapporo!! People thought I was crazy ;) But then I ended up in the southern Kyushu! The further place would be Okinawa! Although these days I'm fully enjoying the beauty of dear old Kag!

Perogyo said...

OMG, I requested Wakkanai, so I could use my Russian. I must have royally screwed up my interview to be put down here, but thank goodness I did, or I wouldn't have met my husband!