Today the Minister of National Security came to Kanoya city for the affairs about the relocation of American military to Kanoya Self-defense Airbase... and our whole city hall was in full alert since morning. Everyone was to put on their name tags otherwise they will not be allowed to get in third floor area.
And sure enough there were a bunch of protest people who are waiting for the Minister to arrive... and we saw (yeah, yeah, we were waiting by the windows...) the Minister's cars (about 5 nice shiny black cars with 2 huge busses behind them) arrived. It was kinda funny cuz the main parking lot was saved for those cars, but then some of the regular people (i think more on purpose) would drive in and had the security people chased after them.. hee hee
They got off in like 5 seconds and just got in, and that's when the protest chants began... It was not so annoying, but rather interesting, and we were mostly amused by the content. Boueichoukan Kaere-- (Minister, go back!), Kanoya shicho no hanashi kike (Listen to the Kanoya Mayor!) And the whole thing went on and on until the minister came out around noon.
He came quickly as well, and as I was saying that ooh I only saw his hair, as his car passed by, he friggin' rolled down the blackened window and waved like a president at us on 2nd floor... I was more than shocked...
And then today I had to get home to get my iron so I could make the zekken for futsal on Wednesday..(sigh.. another long story..), I got stopped by the NHK people in front of the city hall, and they asked me what my opinion about the relocation of American base... I pretty much just rambled on saying that I think it's important for the government to listen to Kanoya people, but I suppose it's difficult to change what the big people had decided... and then I half-laughingly said:"actually, I'm not Japanese... just a Canadian, working at the city hall." And I could see that the interviewer smiled, (quite nicely actually) and slowly pulled his microphone away. hee hee.
Lots of people said I should've just let it all out, but oh well... I wasn't looking my best anyways.. :p
the american military boys might be moving in to kanoya...damn..that happened a few years too late! no more waiting and hoping they will show up to the airshow, getting to go shopping and eat fast food on base...more than 12 english speaking gaijin in town... i may be back!! actually i am coming back , to tokyo for a few days as im working for a couple weeks in korea ( but dont tell anyone japanese i worked with as they might expect me to come to kanoya and i onyl have a few days)
You're gonna be in Japan?? cool!! Msg me next time you're online! Let's chat:)
Well, I knew you'd be happy about the American pilots being here... but actually it's getting really ugly. I'll tell you more next time.
I think you`ll find that if the Us govt decide to move some bases to kanoya there will be bugger all the Japanese govt and/or the people of kanoya city/ kagoshima ken can do about it. I am willing to be bet that it is all already decided and things are in the works but they are just going through the motions. As a big fan of American military boys (shhh don`t tell Daisuke!) I think it might be fun (in a purely platonic way obviously!!!) if there were some around if/when we make the permanent move to kanoya in the future.. but I can see why the locals are oppposed to the idea! It might end up being good for the economy of the Osumi hanto in the long term though.
That's pretty interesting Sandy. When did all this come about? I hadn't heard anything about it before leaving. The protest probably would've went better for the citizens of Kanoya had they shown up with their 12 year old daughters, and yelled about them being molested by soldiers. What was the dude's reaction to the protest? Did you catch any comments?
So, are you doing anything for the winter holidays? I'm just hanging out here!
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