Friday, February 03, 2006

25 of them... 25 of them...

Since I got the beans from Junko sensei as gift anyways... might as well eat them...

so here it is.. the Fuku beans

I don't really like, mostly because they don't have much taste actually, but they're kinda like what you would call, a healthy snack. So oh well.

I count, and count... oops lost count... drop some beans...

Okay, now I've got them...

Man, I got 25 of them to eat... well, maybe I can put on that little fuku mask and eat the beans... kinda have a little carnival feeling going on here. :p yeah right...

Oh by the way, I'm feeling alot better right now. Other than some stuffy nose and sneezing, I'm quite well. Except that I still don't have much strength most of the time.

And... today during lunch break, I came home and found THIS in my mailbox!

It's Yuki's wedding invitation, and I'm invited to sit in her ceremony too!! heh heh!! kinda funny that I don't know her finace though... Last time with Shinmiya-san's wedding, I didn't quite know him either, so it's kinda just like attending a party. But this is different, this is Yuki's wedding, one of my good friends. Hmm... well we'll talk about it when she comes to Kagoshima with Noriko.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Oni wa Soto~~

Tomorrow is the Setsubun day for Japan, and the tradition is that people will buy beans and then do the "mame-maki" to get rid of evil spirits. The point is to throw the beans at a Oni (usually if a family is doing it, then probably the father would don a oni mask and the kids would throw the beans on him, all the while yelling:"Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi! --Evil be gone! Good Fortune stays in!)" kinda thing. And also there's that part where you would have to eat the same number of beans as your age. Yesterday I got asked by a kid how many I will be eating... :p well, those beans are not my kind of food, so eating whole 25 of them isn't much fun.

Anyways, because of the Setsubun, the daycare centre I went to today did this little ball-throwing game at Oni. I just watched while they did it...(honestly, the teacher didn't even offer me if I wanted to make a ball and throw myself... I don't know... just out of politeness, maybe?) It was kinda cute though, the kids were trying so hard to get the ball into the Oni's mouth. They could do this for like hours and hours and not get tired of it. After watching for about 10 min, I was ready to walk away, away from the sun...

Well, I'm a little better now, but still kinda tired most of the time. Took the afternoon off and did some work at home before I slept the rest of afternoon away. Got up around 6pm, and made myself some nice rice porridge. Finally, I could TASTE!!

Now off to bed again.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Went to Hospital

Gee, I will definitely remember that most of the hospitals in town close or have wednesday afternoon off... Took the afternoon off and left around 2:30pm I went to the big Osumi Kanoya Hospital and got told that they will start seeing patients from 5pm. I decided to take taxi (one of the taxi company was just around the corner) to this other clinic that Minocchi suggested... the taxi driver informed me that it's close on Wed...

Just when I thought maybe I could go home and sleep this off, the taxi driver asked me if I want to go see if this other small clinic is open.. and it was! yay! The clinic is kinda small but really like a family doctor kinda clinic so no long waiting time. The receptionist was sooo nice! She came out to the waiting room sofa and sat with me. She asked me about my symptoms and wrote them down on the sheet... Thank goodness... I was so tired, and really hate writing down symptoms when in big hospitals...

The doctor was really nice and kinda funny... he kept trying to speak English to me, when I was speaking Japanese to him.. I think he probably wanted to practice his English.. heh, but then I commented that he can speak a little English and maybe I can recommend other ALTs to his place, he then said that he is not that good but the Takao Sensei who's there on Tuesday and Friday afternoon is very good. Takao Sensei can even speak French, apparently! wow....

Well, I got about 4 different kinds of meds and went home to count my meds... so many kinds and all have to be taken differently, time before food (I was told 30 min before food... duh, as if I'll be able to eat exactly 30 min after taking the med...); after food; only after breakfast and supper... geez..

Hmmm... we'll see how it goes...